What the heck is this blog?!?
If you are clicking on this, you are probably confused.
Well, I'm confused on how the heck you found this blog out of all the blogs on the internet. Then again, how do anonymous authors' books get read out of all the books ever published?
Uh....... where was I? Oh, right, what this blog is.
The title of this blog is Random Thoughts of an Average Human. Enough said. Must I really type more?
Ok. Fine. Maybe that's not enough.
It is basically thoughts of a human, or more specifically, thoughts of an American young person (just a hint, I am not 10 or under. That would be ridiculous.) who was allowed a computer.
Ok. Fine. Maybe that's not enough.
It is basically thoughts of a human, or more specifically, thoughts of an American young person (just a hint, I am not 10 or under. That would be ridiculous.) who was allowed a computer.
Besides the random thoughts pages, though, this is a blog about writing & music. There are posts about:
- Random music posts describing music I like.
- Prompts, stories & more, sometimes including words of the week because you adults need better vocabulary, just like us kids!
- There are also holiday posts. Not just Thanksgiving & Christmas posts, but posts like "Congrats, guys, it's National Cupcake Day! Let's all go smash some in our faces because we are crazy people!" These are updated once per week, on completely random days that just line up with my schedule. And I kid you not, there are actual holidays like these.
- A lot of these posts, however, do end up being "story" posts, which are just funny things that happened to me. These are great stories to tell to people, so I figure, why not post them.
Whew, now that's done. I hope this helped out a lot of you who are confused! Now I'm going to take my own advice and smash a cupcake in my face.
Whoops, that didn't go as planned. There were no cupcakes to smash myself in the face with. 😢