I tried to create an online abstract rainbow.
Needless to say, it failed. And I was somewhat disturbed by my friend's responses. 

Now, I know it looks weird. It was kind of meant to look weird, but not as weird as it got. I think if you ignore the green stuff on the left and all the blue and purple stuff, you get a good picture of what I was trying to do. A rainbow with shapes. Sadly, I messed up. I sent this to all my friends, asking for their opinions. 
One of my friends, who we shall name Ms. Doe ( Anyone recognize that?......  If you know it's from another post but don't recognize it, click here. And I hate to disappoint you, but it's not the same friend) told me it was a girl. Now, she described this girl with green arms, a light blue body, red/purple face, and dark blue hair. And to quote, she said this girl was "begging to the gods", whatever that means. 
I had to stare at for a good long while before I saw a girl, and once I did, it wasn't the same girl my friend described. No, no, no, the girl I see is one with green legs and an abnormal neck that is so long it petrifies me. She had what looks like eyes if I just glance, but if I look closer, there are three, and the pupils are purple and popping out, yet there are still some pupils left over. And to top it all off, she's either screaming or bleeding, based on the red blood drop/incomprehensible speech bubble. What she seems to be screaming over is the orange, yellow, and green statue, but I'm still not sure.
So if anyone can show me this girl my friend is describing please, help me see this.

HA! I had you fooled that this post had ended. Well, on the contrary, it's only just begun. 
Ms. Doe then told me it could also be some food on a plate. 😐 What a detailed and creative answer!!!
If I had to guess what the food was, I would say the orange boxes are Creamsicles that have been cut in half with uncooked spaghetti noodles next to them. Lining the plate are probably some kind of midget lime, or possibly grapes. And then there are deformed, neon-green green beans surrounded by what could be edible skirt? Maybe? And then there are some deformed and cut up purple grapes, a giant drop of red strawberry juice, and water that has been made to fit into a rainbow shape. Just guessing.
My other friends have described it as a fish (???), two SEVERELY different statues (ok, that I see..), some kind of online drawing (*face palm*)  and possibly a farm with deformed animals. At this point, guys, I don't know. 


I also got (from other friends who only now responded) "a square building and a blue fish with multiple purple eyes stacked on it, and has a giant red fin, there is also algae growing everywhere", "A ladder, blood cells, a mermaid and a caterpillar" and "literally nothing besides colors and shapes". Obviously, my friends' brains are weird. 


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