WHY MY DOG HAS MORE MUSICAL TALENT THAN ME My dog has more musical talent than me, and I play three instruments. I love to listen to music, which you would know if you read my about page. I also love music theory, cause I'm one of the weirdest music nerds in history. But my dog has better ears than me, which is a fact, and she can also tell whenever I play a wrong note. It's kind of freaky. I'm just sitting there at my piano, cursing Bach for making things so complicated while also studying the notes and gasping at how smart he is, and all of a sudden I play an F sharp when I'm supposed to play a G. (For those of you who don't know music, picture it as a letter wrong in a word. I want to spell "Major", but instead I spell "Mdjor". See what I mean? Playing the piano is a lot like typing, in the sense that your fingers are moving, and that things turn out wrong if you miss one thing. [That was a long explanation to put inside parentheses.] ...