
Showing posts from April 19, 2020

I bet THAT yellow bat doesn't like chocolate covered cashews...

This is a yellow bat: That little sucker looks exactly the way I did when someone mentioned chocolate covered cashews. "What in the world?? WAIT, HOLD UP, THIS IS A HOLIDAY?!? You're kidding, right?? I'm gonna bite you if you're not kidding!" Or the way I would look if someone offered me a chocolate covered cashew, in which case I would bite. Still, I think his species is weird: First off, they have a holiday. That's weird. Second off, they share this holiday with chocolate covered cashews. Third off, they would probably look very bright during the night and any animal that likes bats, yellow things, and food (and gee, birds check off 2/3 of those boxes but the second is the most important) would be hard pressed to eat it. Especially because of its facial expression.. but I guess that's better for them. KEEP MAKING THAT WEIRD FACE!


Today's an odd holiday... It's both Yellow Bat day (yay! coronavirus!), and I never knew there was such a thing as yellow bats (how do they even fly at night? It's nighttime, anything yellow will be screaming "Eat me! I'm right here! You can eat me easily!!") and it's also National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day. I love chocolate and hate cashews. However, I'm a sucker for alliteration and anything covered in chocolate automatically becomes twice as good... Maybe I should try one. I don't know. It's 8:13 where I live. Anyway, congrats and go feed your yellow bat chocolate covered cashews! I'm sure yellow bats love chocolate covered cashews. (I cannot believe I just typed that sentence)