I adore Spotify. However, it can cross the line sometimes with things like zodiac playlists. Overall though, it only has one flaw: THE AMOUNT OF SUBGENRES THAT IT SNEAKS IN. 

I spend enough time on Bandcamp to be comfortable with subgenres (read: I like fringe music. Bandcamp is home to every starting-up, fringy, alternative musician ever). But I've always thought of Spotify as meant for the more mainstream genres/artists. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of start-ups on Spotify who are plenty fringy and who, when I mention to people, cause others to go "Who? Never heard of them" . Yet most of them have scored small hits in some corner of the Internet.

So, even though I spend most of my time streaming indie bands on Spotify, it does mainly advertise for the mainstream types of genres, tending to make playlists and radios for the big genres, like pop, rock, and EDM. The genres that you can search up are big like this. However, it will sneak in weirdly named subgenres when you check on what you like in places like Family Mixes.

Family Mixes are for those with Premium Family accounts, meant for families like my own, that stream a lot but don't want to pay for all those accounts separately cause we are organized people. Spotify will create a Family Mix filled with all the songs that each individual account listens to, plus those that all the accounts do. Currently it is filled with my parent's and my songs and genres, because my siblings haven't given Spotify the option to include theirs. 

Family Mix also gives you the courtesy of seeing your family's top genres. This is where those weird subgenres that shouldn't exist sneak in. The thing that is so annoying about these is the names. Whoever named these is probably some kind of crackpot, and should be fired. There are weirdly named subgenres on Bandcamp, which I mentioned earlier, but not like this. 

I have taken screenshots of these genres, and wrote on them what I thought of the names. (Side note- As you can see, my parents and I like indie, mainly because it has something for each of us. Namely, rock style for my dad, background music that resembles the metal that she listened to in her youth for my mom, and for me, well, that will take too long to get into. I'll write about it in another post.) I have blocked off our profile pictures with M in purple for my mom, D in red for my dad, and CA in blue for me. Can you guess why I'm CA?*

These pics are like a month old, so that you couldn't be a hacker genius and somehow figure out my account through this, and that album rock thing STILL makes me get mad. And laugh. But mainly get mad. 

Well, Spotify head dudes, if you somehow end up on this page, change these. I never want to see the words "Urban contempoar" again. That was the stupidest spelling mistake ever....

*If you guessed it's cause that might be where I live, that was dumb of you. I'M TRYING TO CONCEAL MY IDENTITY, PEOPLE! MY NAME IS COM ANONYMOUS!! COME ON!! For those of you who guessed that it was after my name after just reading it again, eh, ok, nice job. And if you somehow managed to remember my name and guessed it correctly on the first go, well, you're a genius and you probably guessed correctly on this post too.


  1. Oh, and sorry that this got posted on Monday, I thought I had posted it on Sunday, but I hadn't actually clicked the "Publish" button. I didn't realize until right about now.


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