
Stupid Potholes

Stupid Potholes               Once, at one of my beach camps, it was free time. A very hooking statement, I know. But hear me out: this actually becomes funny.               Anyway, my friends and I decided to go into the water, because duh, we were at a beach camp. Like all kids who live near the water and spend their summer going to beach camps, we were so enthralled to get back in the water (5 whole minutes had passed since we were last in it! Far too long..) that we raced each other into it. We took off as soon as possible. I had a massive head start, and since we were just going down the berm, which was kind of a small hill, I had a lot of force behind me. So when I yelled, "WATER TIME!" I was going full force.               Which made this low-life happy.                           ...


 Yep, folks, it's a holiday post! I know, that was mean of me, but I figured- it's the day after Labor Day, I haven't done one in a while , and I was listening to Things I thought were Mine  (Alfie Templeman) and that always gets me hyped up. I'm tryna keeping my life on track... It's ants on a log day! So yes, whip outs those pieces of cut wood, your ant farmers, and a camera. Wait...  I was joking, dude. In case you actually believed that and don't know what ants on a log are, you should actually whip out a piece of celery, some peanut butter, and a couple of raisins. I know that sounds gross, but if you put it together, it's actually not bad. And this is from a raisin hater. So try something new today, and look forward to a post on Thursday, Sunday, and possibly even Monday... My computer hates me too, I have so many half finished post ideas. It may seem like I don't ever use this blog, but I just never finish anything I want to start when it comes to...


 Again, I'm sorry, but I ended up doing more camps. I know I really don't have an excuse, but I do have.... two quality posts coming up!  And one is going to published in like three seconds, I swear... So buckle your seatbelts!


I adore Spotify. However, it can cross the line sometimes with things like zodiac playlists. Overall though, it only has one flaw: THE AMOUNT OF SUBGENRES THAT IT SNEAKS IN.  I spend enough time on Bandcamp to be comfortable with subgenres (read: I like fringe music. Bandcamp is home to every starting-up, fringy, alternative musician ever). But I've always thought of Spotify as meant for the more mainstream genres/artists. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of start-ups on Spotify who are plenty fringy and who, when I mention to people, cause others to go "Who? Never heard of them" . Yet most of them have scored small hits in some corner of the Internet. So, even though I spend most of my time streaming indie bands on Spotify, it does mainly advertise for the mainstream types of genres, tending to make playlists and radios for the big genres, like pop, rock, and EDM. The genres that you can search up are big like this. However, it will sneak in weirdly named subgenr...


Hey people (really, I mean person, cause last I checked I have one subscriber, but that sounds weird), I'm sorry I haven't been posting a lot. I've been doing a lot of summer stuff (cough, beach stuff, cough- and yes, I live in close proximity to a beach), and got really busy. I promise to update this more, but in the meantime, check out my friend's youtube channel!* Her name is Delightful Woof - and yes, her stuff is done in roblox. But it's not all roblox related- I know at least one of her subscribers hasn't even played roblox and still likes it. It's mainly bizarre skits and sometimes songs. Anyway, I will begin posting again as soon as I am done with my beach camp. I've been doing a lot of camps, from day camps to beach camps to art camps (well, picking up and dropping off my sibling at an art camp), but this will be my last, and I promise I will start updating this blog again on Sunday. I PROMISE!!! *I do not typically do this, nor will I do it if ...